Thursday, December 23, 2004

What happened at those meetings?

I attended the meeting of the Humanist Assn. of Tulsa on Sunday. There were twelve members present. In the business portion of the meeting we elected officers for 2005. The officers for 2005 are: Dan Nerren, president; Randy Bradley, vice-president; Marilyn Clarke, secretary; Dan Nerren, treasurer; and Larry Hicks, program director. Howard Kelley and Barbara Frey won the door prizes. Howard selected a subscription to Church & State magazine and Barbara chose a subscription to The Oklahoma Observer.

The program was our annual celebration of HumanLight. After giving a brief background to HumanLight, I read Edwin Kagin's letter to his niece. Next Larry Hicks read "A Christmas Story" by Jean Shepherd. I closed with a reading of Dylan Thomas's A Child's Christmas in Wales.

Several members brought treats to eat. This was our final meeting of the year.

On Tuesday, the December Atheist Meetup was held in the cafe of Barnes & Noble Bookstore on 41st St. There were eleven people present for this event. Two attendees were first time participants. Five of the eleven were HAT members. There were six men and five women. (I mention this to dispell the notion that only men attend atheist meetings.) The theme was "Atheist Advocates." Several of us told about an atheist advocate and read something from his or her writings. Some of the advocates chosen were Barbara Ehrenreich, Michael Scott Earl, Bertrand Russell, Mark Twain, and Dan Barker.

One participant, Dana Turney, brought a sackful of books (mostly freethought) which she gave away to those present.

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