Saturday, January 31, 2009

February Calendar

February 2009
Activities of Interest to Freethinkers

Sat., Feb. 7, 7:00pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 6705 E. 54th St. Movie selection: TBA

Sun., Feb. 8, 1:00 pm
Humanist Study Group at Randy’s, 6705 E. 54th

Tues., Feb. 10, 7:00 pm
Liberal Action Network at Zarrow Library.ª

Sat., Feb. 14, 2:00 pm
Secular Singers at Gail’s house, 4630 S. Victor. I now have the music for “Life Every Voice and Sing.” Join us as we sing this and many other songs.

Sun., Feb. 15, 1:00 pm
Humanist Meeting at Hardesty Library. See note below.*

Wed., Feb. 18, 7:00 pm
Atheists Meetup Mid-Month Social Gathering. Venue: Rib Crib, 5025 S. Sheridan. For menu go to

Sun., Feb. 22, 1:00 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup at Agora Coffee House, Fontana Center.

Sat., Feb. 28, 11:30 am
Food & Fellowship at The Rice Bowl, 4307B S. Sheridan. Menu with prices can be found at

ªFor the first time in Oklahoma history both houses of the state legislature are controlled by the Republicans. Those of us with liberal values must write to our legislators and let them know where we stand on the issues. If the laws which the legislature enact have any importance to you, please show up and add your voice to ours.

*Program by Brian Hill: A half hour DVD lecture on the immediate fallout of Darwin's theory on British and American scientific communities in the 19th century.

Questions? Call Randy at 622-6975 or Dan at 798-3629.

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