Monday, February 23, 2009

Running errands

I ran some errands today around noon. Our library is temporarily closed (for one week) for some kind of maintenance. I had to go to the north side of the river and use the library there. I had three books to return. While I was there, I took a look at the music books. I found a few that interested me and checked them out. That library is called the Charles Page Library. The library on the south side of the river is called the Pratt Library. They are part of a 25-library countywide system.

Additional stops I made today included two banks, Morrow-Gill Lumber Company (to buy a bolt to repair a shower chair), and the post office.

I read for a while today. I am currently reading Freethinkers by Susan Jacoby. The library system is trying to encourage people to use the libraries by sponsoring something called “2009 Adult Winter Reading Program.” For the patrons who read six books by March 27, they will receive a book tote. I have read one book since the program started. It is titled The World in Six Songs. As soon as I finish Freethinkers, I will add it to my list. I am also reading The Age of American Unreason, also by Susan Jacoby.

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