Sunday, May 03, 2009

Music by Joseph F. Lamb

It is now Sunday. This morning I went to church at Church of the Restoration, as is my usual practice on Sunday mornings. Reverend Davis will be taking the summer off starting in June. That is not an unusual practice in the UU denomination. However, in this instance, church finances played a large part in the decision. We will be on our own until September. I have attended this church regularly for almost three years now but have never officially joined. I’m not sure I want to get involved in the politics of this church. I don’t wish to see this church fail, either. I have been a regular financial contributor, but I give only $30 a month. If I become a member, will they expect more?

Rev. Davis’s absence over the summer raises some questions in my mind: Will the disaffected members who walked away return for the summer? What will they do come September?

Next Sunday, Gail and I are on the program. We will provide the special music. We will be playing two ragtime piano duets: “Champagne Rag” by Joseph F. Lamb and “Palm Leaf Rag” by Scott Joplin. The following link will direct you to sheet music by Lamb:

This is copyright free sheet music. I have printed out a couple of songs which I am going to try out after I finish with this posting to my blog. The big three of ragtime music are Scott Joplin, James Scott, and Joseph F. Lamb.

I want to acknowledge receiving an article (via J) from Galen. I read the article but am not yet persuaded to return to the fold. Also, I read the seven possible reasons one might quit believing in a God. Reason number eight was not listed. I will explain it here sometime later. Thanks to both of you for your concern for my "soul."

I expect to finish reading by book by David Jeremiah soon. Then I will start the book The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory.

TRIVIA QUESTION: Who can tell me the location of the Bert Ferguson Park?

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