Saturday, July 18, 2009

Volkswalking today

Today, J and I drove over to the pedestrian bridge over Riverside Drive -- the start point for today's volkswalk. There we met John Lowerison, the only HAT member to do the walk with us. The weather today was nice -- not too hot.

The walk went first up the trail to 25th Street. This part of the trail is on the roadway of the former Midland Valley Railway. It was converted to a walking trail some years ago. Once you reach 25th Street, you turn around and come back. From this point you go up Riverside Drive until you come to 21st Street. You cross over the bridge and head south. At the pedestrian bridge you cross the river once again and are back at the start point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WALKING is good for your heart, mind, body and spirit. Keep on keeping on mon ami! I suspect your supervisor/censor is not letting you get all my email:)