Monday, May 10, 2010

Nature's Wrath Visits State

We experienced rough weather in the state tonight. Storms hit between 4 and 6 this evening. According to one report, there was a swath of destruction from south of Tecumseh over to Highland Road. Altogether, five people lost their life. Tractor-trailer rigs were overturned and traffic on I-40 between Shawnee and OKC came to a halt for a time.

Meanwhile, back in Sand Springs, I was out returning books to the library. As I was returning to my car, I spotted what I thought was a rock in the tred of my front right tire. Using my car key, I tried to flip it out. However, it was not a rock but the head of a nail. Take it out and the tire would most likely deflate. Instead, I drove to Wal Mart where I had purchased the tires. I had a road hazard warranty on the tires when I bought them. Unfortunately, the nail was too close to the sidewall to be repaired. I would have to get a new tire. The tire was pro-rated by wear, so it only costs about $30 for a replacement. I got an oil change while there as well.

I went to bed right after the evening news and slept to just a few minutes ago. My back is still giving me problems, and nothing feels as good as being stretched out in bed.


BeamStalk said...

In McAlester, it was a fun evening. Sirens going off, but it was all east of town. Nothing really damaged here that I know of.

Dan Nerren said...

How many times can one dodge the bullet? I figure some day my luck is going to run out.