Wednesday, February 02, 2011

February calendar

February 2011 Calendar of Activities for Freethinkers
(Events are subject to cancellation due to snow and ice.)

Sat., Feb. 5, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Gregorian chant practice, Holy Family Cathedral (basement), 122 W. 8th. Laudamus Schola is seeking men and women to join the group.

Sat., Feb. 5, 7:00 pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 5607 E. 54th St.

Sun., Feb. 6, 11:00 am
Service at Restoration is cancelled.

Fri., Feb. 11, 7:00 pm
Poetry Group, Border’s Bookstore, 2nd floor. Discussion of poetry by Coleridge.

Fri.., Feb. 11, 8:00 pm
Drinking with Atheists, Elote Café, 514 S. Boston.

Sat., Feb. 12, 11:30 am
Metropolitan Opera Simulcast of Nixon in China, Cinemark Theater, 71st St. and Mingo.

Sun., Feb. 13, 1:30 pm
Humanist Discussion Group, Herb’s house, 3414 E. 85th Pl.

Sun., Feb. 13, 4:00 pm
Baby Shower, for Cathy and William Poire, 8017 S. Peach, BA

Wed., Feb. 16, 7:00 pm
Atheists Mid-Month Social, Umberto’s, 3228 E. 21st St.

Sat., Feb. 19, 2:00 pm
HAT Chapter Meeting, Genealogy Center, 2901 S. Harvard

Sun., Feb. 20, 1:00 pm
Bible/Bable Study, Robbin’s Nest Bookstore, 305 S. Muskogee, Tahlequah

Sat., Feb. 26, 11:30 am
Food and Fellowship, Asian restaurant at 51st and Vandalia, formerly Steak and Ale.

Sun., Feb. 27, 1:00 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup, at Agora Coffee House in Fontana Center.

Sun., Feb. 27, 3:00 pm
Dream Group at Marilyn Clarke’s, 4917 S. Maplewood

Sun., Feb. 27, 3:15 pm
Atheists Post-Meeting Social at Rib Crib, 5025 S. Sheridan

Questions? Call Randy (622-6975) or Dan (798-3629)

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