Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday activities

This being Sunday, I made my way to Church of the Restoration this morning. I had forgotten that they were starting a new series based on the "God in America" video series which ran on PBS. The series started at 10 am.

About half of the congregation was there for the series. By 11 am, a few more people had trickled in. There were 9 or 10 people in attendance today.

After the service was over, I phoned J to see if she was going to go by Brahm's to pick up some lunch. She had the two grandkids with her. She said due to Luke having a meltdown at church, she had come straight on home from the Methodist church.

So I went to Wendy's for a bowl of chili. Next I went across the street to Atwood's and bought two bags of compost for my garden. I got the wheelbarrow and loaded up the compost.

My cucumber plants were starting to look stressed. I went ahead and transplanted them into the garden. The tomato plants are still looking fine in their original containers. They are still in the kitchen window. If the cucumber plants do not survive, I will get some more.

My next-door neighbor came out to the fence and we chatted a bit. His wife has been fighting cancer for the past few months. She has undergone chemotherepy and radiation treatments while battling cancer.

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