Friday, September 21, 2012

Oklahoma Knowledge: Geography

Check your knowledge of Oklahoma Geography by taking this six-question quiz:

1.  Where was the Creek (Muscogee Nation) Council House constructed in 1878?

2.  In Pontotoc County, what town is named for the daughter of the area's pioneer mail carrier and settler?

3.  Where is the Chisholm Trail Museum?

4.  What town served as the capital of the Territory of Oklahoma?

5.  The 1933 Creek settlement of Adams Springs was the precursor of what present-day town?

6.  Where is the largest Scottish rite temple in the world?

(Answers below)

1. Okmulgee

2.  Ada

3.  Kingfisher

4.  Guthrie

5.  Sand Springs

6.  Guthrie

Tomorrow's quiz will be on Oklahoma entertainment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got none right boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
What does that mean? I shouldn't live in Oklahoma???