The picture above was taken from the cafeteria inside the building looking out a window at a garden. If you look carefully, you can see the reflection of my fingers and the camera. The picture below, taken from the same spot, shows the back wall of the museum and a greenhouse.
The picture above is of a railway coach. How did they get that in the building, I wonder? The picture below is of the rogue's gallery. Shown are four notorious outlaws: Pretty Boy Floyd from Sallisaw, Machine Gun Kelly from Tulsa, and Bonnie Parker and Cylde Barrow, better known as Bonnie and Clyde, who while not from Oklahoma, terrorized many Oklahomans, especially citizens of Commerce, Miami, and Joplin, Mo. They were stopped by a hail of bullets in northern Louisiana in 1934. They are buried in Dallas, Texas.
I think it was last year that we went by the grave site of Ma Barker and her sons who are buried not far from Vinita, just to the east of a small community called Welsh. Only one of the graves has a stone; the others have only paper tags.
There is a lot to see in the Science Museum in Oklahoma City. We saw the planetarium show, a physics demonstration, and an IMAX film title "Tornado Alley." The film was quite impressive shown on the big screen. You get the feeling you are close to a tornado.More to come later.
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