Sunday, March 16, 2014

The week in review

I will start back on Wednesday, March 12, which was a little more than a week ago. On that day I saw my optomitrist for an annual eye check-up. She was impressed with how well I could see, saying I was seeing with 20/15 vision, which is sharper than 20/20. I now only wear glasses to read. I have several pairs of reading glasses. You can get them for $1 a pair at Dollar Tree. I keep them scattered throughout the house so that wherever in the house I happen to be (at the piano, in the bedroom, in the back office, or the kitchen) there will be reading glasses nearby.

The next day I drove J to Sapulpa to a doctor's visit. After the visit, we stopped at a bar-be-cue restarant to get take-out pulled pork sandwiches. Love that pork bar-be-cue!

On Friday, Gail came over for our weekly duet practice.

Last Sunday following the church service, four of us stayed for drumming. We played hand drums.

Due to the weather, Tulsa schools were canceled on Monday. So there was no Reading Partners on that day. That evening, the Methodist Book Group met at the Methodist Church. There were just four of us there.

On Wednesday evening at 7 pm, we went to All Souls Unitarian Church and heard Dr. Gary McManus, the state climatologist, speak on climate change. It was the second of a four-part series on climate change.

The next day I went to the dentist. I had a great check-up. All looked fine.

The next day was Friday, March 14. We attended Tulsa Town Hall. The speaker was Mia Farrow. She told about being married to Frank Sinatra and later Andre Previn. She mentioned her relationship to Woody Allen, but did not dwell upon it. Later on, Gail came over for duet practice. We played through a new book of music I got on my birthday. It is a collection of duets from West Side Story.

There was a HAT meeting on Saturday, March 15. There were only five of us there.

Today the weather was miserable again, as it has been lately on Sundays. It was snowing and sleeting with the temps in the 30s. Only five people showed up for church. We decided to postpone our study of Zinn's A People's History of the United States. The speaker today was Joy Avery who spoke on beekeeping. She wore her beekeeper's outfit, complete with netted headpiece and equipment.

Later we went to a St. Patrick's Day party at the Methodist Church. Twenty people attended that event. We had a potluck dinner, and afterwards we had an exchange of white elephant gifts.

After we got home, we watched Cosmos, which was broadcast on Fox. It was the second installment in the series.

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