Monday, August 04, 2008

American history and religious conflict

I read the following today from a new book by Kenneth C. Davis, America's Hidden History.
The proverbial eight-hundred pound gorilla sitting squarely in the center of this story is religion, or more precisely, centuries of blood shed over beliefs. The degree to which religious conflict has driven America’s history is a central theme threading through this book. Several of its stories illuminate one of history’s most fundamental lessons: people fear what they don't understand -- or what is different. That fear moves in tandem with the arrogant superiority that comes from the notion of possessing the exclusive “truth.” This volatile mixture of fearful ignorance and righteous certitude allows one group to demonize and dehumanize another. And once you have accomplished that, it is much easier to hang people as heretics, burn them at the stake – or in ovens – and fly jetliners into their buildings. Could any story be more relevant to our times?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is true that religion and spirituality are not related. Perfect love casts out fear! Too bad people try to become their own God when they are not capable. It is our selfishness and thirst for power that corrupts our ability to be what we were created to do - to bring joy and honor to the Creator. Legalism has ruined everything!