Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life is abundant (in my topsy-turvy)

I got a haircut today and the lady who cuts my hair gave me a bunch of eggs. Some were laid by a bantum hen and other were laid by ducks. I brought them home and J said I should be wary of eating them. Salmonella is her concern. So I'm unsure what to do with them.

This evening I mowed the grass in the back yard. I took a pain pill as a precaution before venturing outside. I will try to cut the front yard tomorrow.

I had not looked at my plants since the trip to Springfield. When I looked at my topsy-turvy tomato plant I saw that there were worms crawling very slowly in several places. There were about 8 to 10 of them and they had eaten several leaves. I pulled them from the plant and tossed them in the yard. I don't know how they got there. Perhaps they were in the potting soil I used. Or maybe a bird came by and pooped on the plant. The possibilities are endless. I will keep a close eye out for them in the future.

Anyway, the plant needed watering, so I gave it water. The other tomato plants are looking great, but so far no tomatoes. However, there are a few tomato "bulbs" so I should have tomatoes before long. My cucumbers (all three of them) are about 4 or 5 inches long now.

Luke spent the day with us. We went first to the library and then to McDonald's. Luke is spending the night with us. We will take him home in the morning.

I posted a few more pictures from my youth on this blog. There are many more to go.

About the pain pills I am taking: So far I have taken just one a day. I am hoping the pain will go away on its own. The effectiveness of the medicine has lessened as time goes on. The first time I took it, I thought I could float away. Now the effect is much less noticeable.

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