Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 18

I began this day by going to church. In place of a speaker, we viewed a DVD on recovery from addiction provided by Larry who runs the SOS (Secular Organization for Sobriety) group. Larry could not be there. One of his friends was their to introduce the DVD, which ran for 55 minutes. After church was over, I went home for a brief period of time and then we all went over to Nick's house for lunch around 1:30 pm.

Following lunch, we returned home. Thinking I would rest a few minutes before drumming, I stretched out on the bed. I fell asleep quickly and was awaken by J when she realized I might be late for drumming. In fact, I was 15 minutes late for drumming. After drumming was over, I came on home and watched the news on TV.

I have not taken any pain medication today, and I could feel the effect when I pushed the trash cart out to the street. As long as I am seated, I'm OK. When I get up and move around, I feel the pain.

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