Sunday, April 12, 2009

Catching up on events

We returned to Sand Springs on Friday, stopping by the post office to pick up our mail. We had a bunch of it. Then we went by the library and pick up our materials there. I had a movie which had come in plus a book, What In the World Is Going On? by David Jeremiah. If I comment on this book my comments will be posted on the web site ""

This morning, Easter Sunday, I went to my church just north of downtown Tulsa. There were at least a dozen people there. Rev. Davis gave a sermon.

Afterwards, I went to the home of Randy Bradley for the monthly Humanist Study Group meeting. There were eight people present for that meeting.

When I arrived home, Luke and Ayla were here. At 4:30 we took them home to their parents. We came home and watched the NBC Nightly News. Then we went to China Star for dinner.

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