Wednesday, December 08, 2010

More on reading

I finished reading The God Virus this morning. It is the best book I have ever read explaining how religion works. Everyone could benefit by reading this book, be you a Christian, Muslim, or atheist. Everyone is familiar how religion works like a virus in at least the most simple way. The author goes into much detail fleshing out the particulars of the analogy.

Knowing that people are reluctant to read material that disagrees with their worldview, I intend to quote snippets from the book occasionally on this blog. It's a sneaky was to expose you to material from this book.

Tonight I downloaded another book to my Kindle. It is Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas by Ace Collins. It is a free download from Kindle. This book was originally published in 2001. From "Angels, From the Realms of Glory" to "White Christmas," the book tells the stories of the writing of 31 Christmas carols.

It begins,
There is a treasure of inspiration to be found in these pages. If you love Christmas, then this book is going to bless you time and time again. You will laugh and cry, and history will come to life. You will learn and understand things you didn't know before, giving you a much richer grasp of the music the makes this season so very special. You will probably also want to rush out and tell someone you know one of these stories.

After I read this book, I might want to download More Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas, which is also a free download for the Kindle.

But next I want to get into Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I had intended to start this book weeks ago but never got around to it.

Earlier today a friend, William, came over and we went through some music we might perform later on this month at Randy's annual Solstice Party. William plays the guitar. He is quite talented.

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