Saturday, July 03, 2010

Concert then movie

Today J mentioned something about her drivers' license being due for renewal in July, which caused me to remember that mine was due for renewal in June. I went down to the tag agency and got it renewed for $12.50. Then I got back home in time to get ready for our concert at the Wildwood Care Center - a nursing home for the elderly. This is where Gail's mother-in-law went, and still is. We had an audience of about eight people. We had prepared ten pieces and played all ten. It took about 40 minutes.

The next event was Movie Night at the Bradleys. A member of HAT had high praise for the movie The Boys of Baraka. Randy obtained the movie from NetFlix. The six of us there watched it. J stayed home with Ayla. The movie is a documentary about a group of boys from the projects in Baltimore. If you are born in this enviroment, you are born at a disadvantage. Drug dealers and crime is everywhere. The movie tells the story about a select group of boys (12-14 years old) who were taken out of this environment and sent to Africa (Kenya) to a camp called Baraka. Life in the camp had a positive influence on the boys. It is a two-year program, but due to current conditions in the world, funding was cut after the first year. The boys had to return to the USA.

Tomorrow at church Gail and I will play "Stars and Stripes Forever" as the special music.

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