Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mainstream Baptist: Dominionists at Work in Oklahoma

Below is a link to a posting found in the blog Mainstream Baptist.  Please read.

Mainstream Baptist: Dominionists at Work in Oklahoma


Pastor Galen said...

Interesting, but his agenda is very clear. He has the right to voice his opinion, and that is all it is. I have my opinion, but I share it with those close to me. He does not represent "mainstream" Baptists in Oklahoma. That would be like me saying that I represent "mainstream" Californians with my views. No, I represent myself within the context of others, whether Baptists or Californians or whatever.

Dan Nerren said...

The issue here is not what Bruce Prescott has chosen to title his blog but the efforts of two state legislators to revoke a portion of the state constitution which prohibits using taxpayer money for sectarian purposes.

Pastor Galen said...

Yes, I understand that about the legislative issue. However, he needs to make it clear that he is speaking as an individual and not as the head of an organization (which implies all of those in his organization agree with him on this issue). He needs to stand alone with his conviction, without seeming to have a base of followers who agree. But, that's just my opinion too. Personally, I am very careful as a pastor not to voice my political agenda and thoughts in the public place, as it hinders my call for radical submission to Jesus. My private views about politics are private, and I only share them one-on-one when approached personally.