Monday, June 04, 2012

Recent events

On Saturday I attended a Move Om meeting at the Agora Coffee House.  A regional coordinator was present, and she spoke about efforts to overturn the Citizens United decision which the Spreme Court handed down in 2010.  This decision opened the floodgates allowing unlimited corporate money to be spent in elections.  We decided to contact each national level politician from Oklahoma to find out where they stand on a Constitutional Amendment to, in essence, overturn this decision.

Later that evening, we had a showing of the film Koch Brothers Exposed at Church of the Restoration.  There were about 15 in attendance at this event.  We later talked about the problem of the corrupting influence of money in elections.

The next day, I spoke at Church of the Restoration.  Gail and I played the special music.  We played Dvorak's Slavic Dance No. 8.  My topic was "Robert Reich and the American Economy."  There were about 15 people present this Sunday.

Today Gail came over and we practiced piano duets.  We are leaning toward playing "Original Rags" by Scott Joplin at the next Humanist Sunday.

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