Sunday, September 13, 2009

Methodist Church and Drumming

This morning I went to the Methodist Church with J and Ayla. Alya spent the night at our house, as is often the case on Saturday nights. The Sunday School class this morning was on homosexuality. The class began with a 30-minute video on the subject. The speaker in the video expressed views which were tolerant and enlightened. Likewise, the minister’s wife also expressed progressive views. In fact, the ideas this morning were a lot like I have heard in discussions at humanist meetings.

Afterwards, we went downstairs for a meal. Nick, and Jen, Luke and Ayla were all there. Following the meal was a short competition (based on the Bible) between four adults and four children. The children won 5 to 4. Are you smarter than a fifth grader? On the children’s team was Ayla, a first-grader.

In the afternoon, I went to drumming at the Price house. We reviewed rhythms we have been playing for quite some time. There were only four of us there: Joe and Lou, Joel, and myself. I think I will look into the drum circle at Living Arts near downtown Tulsa. I wish there were more people in the drum circle. I think you need to have at least six drummers to get a good vibration going. It also helps to have hard surfaces from which the sound can reflect. At the Price house the carpeting and drapes absorb much of the sound.

After watching the news, we went out to China Star for our evening meal. All-you-can-eat buffets are a weakness I have. I overate tonight. It was all so good.

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