Sunday, December 14, 2008

Church services

Today I attended the service at Church of the Restoration. The minister, Gerald Davis, spoke. Attendance was around 16, I would guess. I didn’t actually count heads. The minister, his wife, and two children made up a quarter of the attendance.

The disaffected members who are still holding out were still holding out. Soon I expect we will find out what is to happen to the church. I would guess it might change to “fellowship” status. A fellowship is a UU church without a minister. The disaffected members account for the bulk of the income for the church.

This evening I went with Jan to the service held at the Methodist Church. It was an all music service. The Dobbs (Jennifer’s family) played in a brass quartet. They were the best act to perform. The bell choir was quite good, also. We noticed as we drove home that it was starting to sleet. I’m glad I am retired and do not have to get out and drive in such weather.

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