Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Party Draws Record Crowd

Last Wednesday, I canceled the Tulsa Atheist Meetup originally scheduled at the Rib Crib on Sheridan for 7 pm. Several churches were canceling services for the evening, and hearing reports of snow in Broken Arrow, I thought the best course of action was to cancel and try again on another night.

On Friday I went to my optometrist whose offices are in north Sand Springs to pick up my glasses. My annual eye exam had been on Tuesday, Dec. 16. I had experienced flashes of light in my left peripheral vision. Checking the Internet, I read that could be a sign of a detached retina. I told my optometrist about the sensation of light. She dilated my pupils and a few minutes later looked into my eyes. She said my retinas looked fine, but if I noticed any change to come back for another exam. My prescription had changed very little from the last time I had my eyes checked.

I the past I had always got the no-line bifocals. This time I decided to go with the lined bifocals, just to see what they are like. I also asked for a copy of my prescription so that if I were away from home and needed a pair of glasses, I would have the prescription to have another pair made.

After leaving the eye doctor, we went to Saied’s Music Co. where a book of piano duets I had ordered had come in.

Late Wednesday evening, Jan was sick. I think she had a 24-hour virus. She spent most of Wednesday in bed. Friday night I came down with the same thing. I spent most of Saturday in bed.

Gail and I had missed our practice on Monday due to the icy conditions and had rescheduled for Wednesday. I called Gail Wednesday morning and told her Jan was sick and that we would have to cancel practice for that week. We had a performance coming up on Sunday. Then I came down with the same symptoms on Saturday. I spent all day Saturday either in bed or throwing up into a trash can. I did not know if I would be able to make it to the holiday party at the Bradleys on Sunday. But by the next day, I was feeling much better, although I felt tired.

Attendance was very good at the holiday party. At total of 24 showed up. There were a couple of people there I had not seen before. First we had the meal: turkey tetrazzini. Next Gail and I played three duets at the piano. Then The Secular Singers performed a half dozen selections, finishing with “To Celebrate HumanLight,” a piece based upon the tune of “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” In this song, instead of material objects being recited, the names of various heroes of humanists are substituted: Charles Darwin, Pablo Picasso, Watson and Crick, and so on.

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