Sunday, August 16, 2009

Not much news

I'm exhausted once again. I indexed all day, with the exception of the two hours I spent at the Humanist meeting. We had 15 people at the meeting -- a pretty good showing.

Since I spent most of the day at my desk, I don't have much to write about. I am up to page 117, and I'm stopping there for the night. It is at the end of a chapter.

I will resume tomorrow. First thing I need to do is to get the older Saturn checked out. Maybe all I need is a new battery. I will have AAA come out and give me a jump. If that is not the problem, I will have the car towed to Same Day Auto Repair and have them check it out.

Gail will be coming over on Tuesday, rather than Monday. She needs to drive her mother-in-law to the doctor tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Has your immediate supervisor forbade you to email me or are you just being lazy?:)


Anonymous said...

okkkk glad you cleared that right up JEC