Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Busy weekend coming up

I went to the doctor on Monday again as a follow-up to the spider bites I received in Broken Arrow. She sent in a prescription (renewal) for more anti-bacterial medicine. The next day I went to the hospital for scans: both CTs and MRIs. I will hear the results next week.

I have had a reaction to the medication I have been taking for the spider bites (on my lower left ear). I broke out in blotches on my hands and chest. It looks a lot like the measles. I have had a fever off and on for several days now.

I have been sleeping a lot since the bites. I sleep eight hours at night. Plus I take a two-hour nap in the afternoon. However, today I slept even longer at naptime.

I hope I am doing better tomorrow for I would sure hate to miss the Roy Zimmerman concert. Saturday morning I'm planning on being at the cathedral to look into chanting. That evening, we have movie night at the Bradleys. Sunday, I deliver the message at Restoration. We have a busy weekend ahead.

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