Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mind, Mood & Memory

Mind, Mood & Memory is a newsletter which is published monthly by Massachusetts General Hospital. Each issue is just eight pages long, but it is full of the latest research findings on aging. Accompanying each issue is a single sheet of "Brain Games." On the front side is WordMorph, Sudoku, and a Word Search puzzle. On the back side is a crossword puzzle. The newsletter is aimed at people who are 50 and beyond.

Reading the February 2010 issue, I discovered a web site which is a good source of puzzles of various kinds. The URL is given below:


Click on it and try out a few of the games. The are fun, plus they may help you stave off Alzheimer's.

Also of interest to baby boomers is the OETA TV show "Life (Part 2)," which airs on Sundays at 6 pm. Each week a different topic related to aging is explored.

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