Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pictures and evening hours

I came across a set of three pictures taken in the little white house we first lived in at Nettleton, MS. I posted the first one of the set earlier. It shows me sitting in a wash tub. The second picture shows me from the rear standing in the wash tub completely naked. I was going to post that picture, but my wife stopped me. She said I could get into trouble by posting it. I don't think she is right, but she was so upset by my attempt to post it that I dropped the attempt. Showing a one-year old's naked butt on a blog is not illegal, but there was no convincing her.

The third picture shows full frontal nudity. I know if she will not let me show my bare butt, she is not going to let me show my ding-dong. I was going to cover that part anyway, just to be on the safe side. But I am so disappointed by her intervention that I will move on to other pictures. Rats!

At 6:30 we went to Te Kei's for a meeting of the local Move On chapter. There were about 18 of us there. We ate a meal and then broke into three groups of about six each. We have tentative plans to gather signatures calling for a reversal (through legislation) of the Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case. This is the ruling which cleared the way for corporations to make unlimited donations to political candidates. We will be getting together again in a few days.

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