Sunday, June 06, 2010

Pictures from my childhood

Here are four pictures taken during my early years. Beginning with the upper left and going clockwise: Here I am posing with some fake chickens. This picture was taken in September 1951. The next picture was taken in November 1950. It must have been a cool day. The location is Carbon Hill, Alabama.

The next picture was taken on March 8, 1951, my third birthday. On the back in my mother's handwriting is written "Mother I want to pose for Daddy. Can you beat that?" That's quite a pose, is it not? The last picture was taken on Easter Sunday, 1951. The image is a bit blurred. Can you see the Easter basket and a couple of eggs in the basket? I am guessing this photo was taken in Carbon Hill also.

You can enlarge the image by clicking on it.

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