Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wintry weather bypasses us

I guess we got lucky today for the Thursday snowstorm missed the Tulsa area. Gail came over this morning, and we played piano duets for two hours.

After lunch I stretched out on the bed and awoke two hours later. That was quite a nap. Hope I will be able to sleep tonight.

Tonight we went to the TAM mid-month social gathering. I will try to post a picture I took at the gathering. Some of the regulars were there: Bill D. and Bob H. were there. The others were people I had met just once or twice or not at all. There were about nine people there. We talked about many things, including veganism, and the brain. Kym has her doctorate (in some area of neurobiology) and she is not yet 30. Toby is a dedicated vegan and spoke about how he became a vegan and what all it entails.

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