Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I get a second injection today

Today we arrived at St. John M.C. to receive the second and last injection of steriod. The doctor asked how the last injection was doing, and I told her it had relieved about 95% of the pain. I feel good enough now that I would be willing to go about my life without any problem. Only occasionally do I get a reminder that the potential for pain is still there.

This visit went smoother than two weeks ago. Once again there were about two dozen people in the waiting room, but once I checked in, I was called to go to, what I would call, a holding area. While there they prepped me for the procedure. An IV connection was inserted into the top of my right hand. I answered some questions. Then while lying on my back on a bed, I waited for a half hour. Then a nurse wheeled me to the procedure room. The IV connection was hooked up, and I went to sleep (more or less). I do remember being wheeled to recovery after the procedure was finished. In the recovery area, I felt at peace (being in a drugged state). I was there about 30 minutes, and then a nurse transferred me to a wheelchair and wheeled me outside to the parking lot on the seventh floor. J drove up and I got in the car. We took off for Sand Springs.

Back in Sand Springs, we stopped at the Crescent Cafe for lunch. When we got home, I could still feel the effects of the seditative. I took a long nap to sleep it off.

After I got up, I went out back to water the tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper. I also helped J erect a canopy tent which we had bought the previous day at Atwoods.

J got a call from Ayla who was aware she had birthday presents waiting for her here. (Today is her birthday; she's now 7.) She wanted to know if Nanna could bring them over to her house. We got the presents wrapped and drove over to Nick's. I took my camera and shot several pictures. We did not stay long. It was dark even by the time we left our house. We got home in time to watch the 10 pm news.

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